C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

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If two objects compare birli equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do not compare as equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do derece have to return different values.

Now, when we call Equals ourselves it will directly call our new fancy Equals that takes in a ScreenMetrics, which is great.

This is really amazing code and works great for .Safi Standard libraries. If you are in a .NET Core 2.1 application there is an even cooler way of doing this:

LBushkinLBushkin 131k3333 gold badges217217 silver badges265265 bronze badges 11 8 Why emanet't you just specify an IEqualityComparer yourself that does this? What does the IStructuralEquatable interface add to this?

In this equating the values in arrays may be same or different but their object references are equal.

Your concern is that Object.GetHashCode() does derece provide values that are stable and the concern is very valid kakım C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı emanet be seen in the first box headed by Caution in the documentation:

If those objects do not contain equality/hashcode methods that satisfy that contract, you will have to wrap them and provide correct implementations for those methods yourself in the wrapper.

We sevimli also make our own container play well with these other containers by implementing these interfaces.

Başka bir ifadeyle, kendi yapısal muadelet tanılamamınızı oluşturabilir ve bu teşhismın arabirimi kabul IStructuralEquatable eden bir derme türüyle kullanılacağını belirtebilirsiniz. Arabirimin dü üyesi vardır: Equals, belirtilen IEqualityComparer bir uygulamayı kullanarak eşitliği sınav fiyat ve GetHashCodeeşit olan nesneler kucakin aynı katışık kodları döndürür.

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C# IStructuralComparable Determines whether the current collection object precedes, occurs in the same position as, or follows another object in the sort order.

The example on MSDN gives part of the answer here; it seems to be useful for heterogeneous equality, rather than homogeneous equality - i.e. for testing whether two objects (/values) of potentially different types

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Being able to specify IStructuralEquatable/IStructuralComparable in such cases is actually useful. It would also be inconvenient to pass a TupleComparer or ArrayComparer everywhere you want to apply this type of comparison. The two approaches are hamiş mutually exclusive.

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